Hey, internet bois! I’m Danna and I’m super excited to be writing my first blog for DBL. Over the past few months I’ve been wanting to start this blog on cosmetic chemistry and health in general but I wasn’t exactly sure how should I debut? I think the most fitting way to do so would be to start from the inside and then branching out to different topics of interest. So how about I tell you a little bit about the products I love and why I love them? Maybe we might have some all-time faves in common or maybe you haven’t checked them out. So let’s get started.

For Context: I have combination (mostly heading towards the oily side) skin as well as acne prone skin 

Currently, my skin is at its best for such a long time. I can now say I have no texture and my acne only becomes red and bumpy (1-3 pimples on the cheeks) a week before my menstrual cycle. You know hormones and stuff. Other than that, it is pretty much controlled. Okay cool so how did I get to that?  During quarantine, I fell for the online shopping influence and decided to try things promoted on instagram and YouTube because why not? I was stuck at home finding something new to do! As many of you, I encountered the overly advertised Curology treatment. I thought, “Only $5 bucks to try it out, take my money.” 

Curology Formulated Acne Treatment: I just love trying out different products and seeing if they are worth the hype. Also, I was honestly just so done with the overwhelming amount of ads and girls with clear skin saying how good it was. I truly like the idea of personalized beauty products because, at this age and time, everyone’s skin is different and has different needs. I’ve been using it for quite some time now and I like how I look and appreciate my face is not burning. That has been carrying me in a time where I couldn’t visit a dermatologist.

Curology Cleanser & Moisturizer: Along with the actual formulated treatment, I use their cleanser, and moisturizer. I think my type of skin, it really benefits from thin, gel-like hydrating moisturizer. It truly does the job in helping my skin not be tight after washing it, plus talk about the dry touch. 

Now the cleanser is very similar in terms of how gentle it is and it leaves my skin ready for any product that follows. I notice not a lot of excess dirt comes off when I wipe my face with some toner and a cotton round. That is a plus! 

Body Acne Products: Even though this part is not part of my face, you still got 1-2 m2of skin left to cover. I try to take care of my chest and back since they also break out. Just recently I began paying attention and giving extra care to those areas. Currently, I am using the Noble Formula 2% Pyrithione Zinc Bar Soap paring it with castile soap for an overall cleanse. Those two have been the ones that truly eradicated most of my chest and back acne. 

Toner: up to this day toner has been an on and off relationship since I personally find it not so necessary for my skin needs. I find it useful if you wear makeup often, but for me, I just apply foundation once a week or even once a month. As said previously, the cleanser does a great job removing the excess dirt in my face and when I didn’t receive that from a cleanser, the toner made sure that was fixed. The last toner I used was The Pixi Glow Tonic. Initially, I bought it because like many of us everyone online said it was their ‘holy grail,” I was aware glycolic acid promoted a healthier and textureless complexion so I decided to give it a go. In the beginning, it felt somewhat tightening, and then it started giving me a tingly sensation. I became a little concerned so I tried to use it every other day or when my skin was dull.

Make-up remover: I love make-up, but I have to recognize there are some days there is simply not time for a full glam or a little bit more elaborated look. However, I cannot live without mascara. That little tube is the number one factor that can enhance my face to a whole new level (a least to me) where I feel confident and also comfortable.  Unfortunately, I can’t sleep with it so reviewing it and the excess around my face (maybe I did my eyebrows or did some blush), the Bioderma Sensibo H2O. Amazing micellar water. It is the ease and after-feel that this water gives after using it. I feel super clean and especially when I end up with a dry but moisturized touch. Pretty cool stuff!

Sunscreen: Even if I stay most of the time at home, I need to wear sunscreen. My working area is next to a window with no curtains. I don’t if UV rays actually pass through the window, so just to be safe I make sure to get a generous layer. I’ve been using the Vanicream Sunscreen, SPF 50+. It was recommended by a dermatologist I had two years ago and it does the job. It is a physical sunscreen which I like to have. The only thing I don’t like is the thickness and the white cast it leaves. However, for some reason you give it 15-20 minutes and it gets the dry touch I’m a sucker of, so I’m happy with that. Lol, I don’t know I’m just trying to finish this bottle I currently have, and then I’ll try something new. During the summer I used the accompanying sunscreen lip balm and it gave me that extra protection on the lips. 

Finally, whenever I have time on the weekends I like to give some love to the skin by applying the Aztec Secret – Indian Healing Clay. Since I have oily skin this one helps to control that and get those pores clean. Not gonna lie I haven’t done it in such a long time. Maybe I’ll do it tonight! I used to mix it with apple cider which smells disgusting, but oh wells. Apparently, it helps the mask be more powerful. I like this mask not only for the oil control benefits and that sketchy pulsating sensation, but I have noticed face masks that are meant to be washed off are the ones that truly work and give noticeable effects. Peel-off masks and sheets are okay but I don’t find it as useful when I want to give some extra love to the skin. 

Those are the few products that I’ve been using/loving/ and testing. I plan to break them down in a lot more detail in future blogs where I will dive into the science/chemistry, and how you can choose the best option for your needs!

Did you know any of these products? Have you tried them? What products are you currently using? Let me know in the comments!