
Beauty Lab

Beauty and Health Science Under the Scope

My Acne Took Over My Life

I would spend every penny from my savings to buy anything at the drugstore that claimed to be for “Acne Prone-Skin.” I had no guidance, I was putting whatever on my face without really knowing I was obliterating my skin.   

 Recent Blogs

Anything ranging from product reviews, beauty and health tips, and so much more!

Most People Don’t Know Their Skin Type. Are you one of them? Learn How to Maximize Skin Goals!

Tired of not understanding why certain product don’t work well with your skin? Find out your skin type with these 4 tips to get more out of your skincare shopping!

Keratinization: the importance of cell turnover when choosing your skincare!

Exfoliation is a term you will often hear in the skin care industry. However, many people are doing it WRONG! Let’s learn about one of the main processes our skin undergoes to understand how to take your skin care journey to the next level!

How To Fill in Your Eyebrows With Eyeshadow (Make them Long-lasting)!

make “eye shadow eyebrows” last longer, especially in the warm weather!

My Curology Formula: What is Curology Trying to Medicate Me!?

We will dive into the specific ingredients in my Curology bottle to see which ones are responsible for certain conditions and how we can apply this knowledge to make the best decision when buying skincare products

My Current Skin Care Products | Faves & Thoughts

how about I tell you a little bit about the products I love and why I love them? Maybe we might have some all-time faves in common or maybe you haven’t checked them out. So let’s get started.